We are SO close to our goal of $18,000 ($350 per player)...we are right at $14,000!
We are doing great with business ad sales, where we are short compared to last year is the $10 shoutouts for the players
GIRLS SOCCER FUNDRAISER-update 12/3 two more days to go!
Thank you to all of you who have donated to help our program! Without you we cannot support the players by supplying new uniforms, covering the cost of tournament expenses, and our various player celebrations throughout the year. We have raised right at $13,500 but to meet expenses, we need to raise $20,000. Please share on social media as this is a very successful way to fundraise. Many players on the schoolfundr site still haven't provided their email addresses, and quite a few haven't received any donations yet. If you prefer not to use schoolfundR, we're happy to accept donations through other means. Every player's target is set at $500, but more than half of our players are currently at zero or significantly below that goal.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same login here.Please sign up for Kroger Community Rewards
When you use your Kroger rewards card a portion of your purchases will go toward our program
Our organization number is: KJ349